
Dental Assitant

Arabella is our wonderful dental assistant and she loves to ensure the comfort of our patients and ensure they leave with a smile. She enjoys making conversation and getting to know patients whilst fulfilling her job by the dentist’s side. As a new addition to the team, everyone including our patients, have been so welcoming, making her work experience fun and enjoyable.

Experienced in assisting with:

  • Wisdom teeth removal
  • Root canal treatment
  • Fillings
  • Invisalign
  • Single visit crowns and veneers
  • Scale and cleans

Study and Interests

Some things you might like to know about Arabella is that she learned Chinese in school and is currently studying law and criminology at the University of Western Australia. Though Chinese is not her first language, she loves improving and would love for people to teach her more dental terms.

Don’t be afraid to say 你好 the next time you are in! If you love animals as much as she does, she would love to hear any stories you are willing to share

Arabella says that having a supportive workplace with the bonus of respectful and delightful patients, Simply Teeth has changed her view from the tiring and gruelling idea of work to something she can look forward to.